Please Consider Regular Giving
We are inviting 30 new monthly donors to give £10 per month (as a guide) to increase our support base. You can set up a regular monthly donation securely online via PayPal ( or by completing and signing a Standing Order form (available on the support page) and returning it the ZET office by email or by post to Zimbabwe Educational Trust, Ebor Court, Skinner Street, Westgate, Leeds, LS1 4ND.
Providing a regular monthly donation is the most effective way to support our work. Small amounts given regularly allow us to plan and budget our activities with greater certainty and employ a part-time Operations Manager. When you have set up your donation, please follow the link to ‘Return to Zimbabwe Educational Trust’. You will then be given the option to subscribe to our Donors Mailing List, and if you are a UK tax payer you will be able to opt into the Gift Aid scheme, which will increase the value of your donations by up to 25%!